About me
My name is Janet Riben. I am an American who married a wonderful Swede in 1971 and have had some very interesting years working in various countries, learning new languages, including Swedish of course, meeting incredible people and having all the usual events both positive and negative. Luckily mostly positive!

My education & experience
My education is varied. Totally 16 different schools growing up. The most meaningful was in New York City at a girls’school – no doubt because I was at that extremely impressionable age! In my 20s, my interests were not very scholastic, so I left university before graduating. Since then however, I have taken numerous course in masses of subjects – curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back! One course started me on my new path. This was the one-year program at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City to become a certified Life Style Coach. Other important life changing courses have been with Mary Morrissey (Dream Builder Coach program) and Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins (Knowledge Broker Blueprint).